Show your best friend some love. Customize your flashlight with your furry pal's name. Perfect for long walks on warmer evenings. Available in eight colorful hues.
Allow 2-3 Weeks for delivery. Email if you are ordering more than 48 units.
No refund or exchange on the engraved product(s) will be forthcoming once the Order has been submitted. You authorize Mag Instrument to reproduce artwork shown on the Order by submitting the Order. The customer acknowledges that this Order is for Customized Good(s) and has been preapproved by the customer before purchase. Order cannot be revoked or canceled.
Note: You are prohibited from customizing any product to include any matter that you do not have a legal right to use (e.g., a registered trademark) or which is defamatory, obscene, inflammatory, profane, seditious, threatening, or otherwise unlawful or offensive, including for example "hate speech" -- that is, language that holds up to contempt or ridicule, or which advocates intolerance of, discrimination against or other injuries too, any person or group based on race, ethnicity, color, creed, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Mag Instrument reserves the right to reject any request for customization at its discretion for any reason, including no reason.