Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Activity
In this week’s podcast, we talk to the ParaCrew about how they got into ghost hunting and paranormal activity.
Welcome to a spooky edition of the Maglite podcast. I'm Lou Desmond, your usual host here at Maglite. And in honor of it being that time of year, we are approaching Halloween. Uh, I thought it would be a great time to have a new group that we've been interacting with and are using some Mag Light product out there in the world. Uh, the Para crew. Let me introduce one by one. Carlos. Hello. How you
Thank you for having that song.
Okay. Just letting you know. Matthew.
Hello. Thank you.
Great to have you here. And Squeakers. Of course. Hello Squeakers.
So, uh, let me, let me go around and and, and do this one by one. To start with, Carlos, who are you? How'd you get into this line of work chasing ghosts?
Well, I work, I'm, I work for a security company. That's who I am. I like to investigate, I like to check out things. And what got me into the paranormal field was TV shows like Ghost Adventures and, uh, Ghost Hunters Taps. That's what got me inspired into the Ghost hunting. And then you, you know, Patty from team and all these other big YouTubers that ghost hunt, that's what got me into it. So that's, I pursued my passions and ghost hunting cause believe there is something out there that could be explained scientifically. I'm sure there is. So that's why I geared on the tech side of the paranormal,
Uh, Matthew, you're up. I you're an ordained minister, right?
Correct. And, uh, it was actually because of Correct as well. Um, and actually, uh, my ordained came from the paranormal field. Um, I actually, uh, I've been in this field 16 years and just like everybody else, I saw some of the shows. Uh, a group of friends wanted to go out and do some investigating. I had no idea what I was doing. Had a personal experience, absolutely fell in love with the field. And then, uh, the short version, 16 years later, ran three separate teams have done over 400 investigations, uh, well professionally we call it. And, uh, thousands of hours in the field. And now I'm a paranormal consultant.
Hi <laugh>. Well, I'm, I'm a little bit of an interesting team myself. Um, I have seen things since I was little, like way little and heard things, and I thought I was going completely crazy when I was a teenager. So I started researching and trying to come up with support groups and stuff for it. And there was just nothing out there. And so I started getting into the paranormal pretty heavy because I knew obviously somebody else had to seen something the same way. So, um, I just started into doing different things on my own. And then I got into the groups and here, here we are, <laugh>
So do you get a lot of Ghostbusters jokes, Matt?
I do. Um, obviously the typical one, who are you gonna call? Um, <laugh>, although, although I like to spin it, um, I like to go with, uh, the Casper, uh, response when everyone says who you gonna call? Instead of saying Ghostbusters, I say someone else and I just walk away. But
But no, I always, we always aim to help and, uh, that's, that's the goal.
Carlos, same question. Do, do people who you meet and you tell them, Well, yeah, one of my sidelines is, uh, paranormal investigation. They, they, um, how do they react?
Oh, funny that you asked that. I'll tell you this. I get few, uh, stories behind that one. One, I tell 'em that they're either like get curious and wanna know more, or they get really spooked and scared and they don't wanna talk me for game
Squeakers, when you were saying you've seen and heard things since you were little, does that still go on?
Uh, occasionally, yes.
Okay. And it was more when you were younger and less now?
No, actually it's gotten, and I wouldn't say say worse, but it's gotten stronger in my opinion. And, um, when I say that, a lot of people tend to look at me like, Are you crazy? But I'm, I'm not. Um, I've gotten to know a lot of people that I've had the same experiences and so that has brought,
Uh, oh, I've lost Squeaker audio. Matt, are you still there?
Yes sir, I'm still here.
And Carlos, you're still there?
Yeah, I'm still here.
Okay. Squeakers, you're muted. I don't know what happened. Uh, but if you can figure it out on your end, that'd be, that'd be great. Um, what do either of you know about Squeaker background with hearing and seeing things that other people don't see?
Worker? Go ahead.
Well, thing what squeak is she's trying to explain is that she's a sensitive, uh, what we call that, sensitive to things that, you know, they have like an extra sensory perception, meaning that a sixth sense, like to call it like a third. That's pretty much what she's trying to say, that she can sense things that are normally outside of our 5 cents perception, you know?
Right. So my, my wife would tell you if there's an opposite of that, I'm it <laugh>, like I'm not sensitive to anything, uh, that, that I'm, I'm sort of the antis sensitive, so I would like blunder through a full on ghost storm and not even notice because I'm just completely self-involved with something else. Squeakers, are you back?
Yep. Can you hear me okay?
Yes, we can.
Sorry about that. I don't know whats going
Description is accurate that you are something of a medium that you can sense things. Can you foretell things? Do you get visions? How does it work?
Um, you know, I, I considered myself a medium a couple years ago and I've started to realize that I don't really like to put labels on things as much as I used to. Um, I have had a lot of deja vu moments in my life, um, and those always are trippy <laugh>. Cause I never know if it's actually something that's gonna happen or if it's something that's gonna just be there. So, um, as
A sense, yeah, I call those, I should have held the nail tighter in my hand before I swung the hammer moments. Mm-hmm.
<affirmative>. Exactly.
That's, that's the kind of thing that I get. I don't generally, again, I I'm about as sensitive as a piece of granite when it comes to things. So that,
That's the thing. Everybody has different, um, gifts. So, and, and not every person is going to, um, experience the same exact thing, which I think is part of the secret of life.
<laugh>, speaking of gifts, Mag Light sent you some stuff. Matt, have you been able to use any of it?
Oh, well it was sent to, to Carlos.
Carlos, you gotta, you gotta get in touch with us so that more than just one team member's getting to play with the mag light product. <laugh> Carlos. Oh, what have you been able to
The blood tracker? Right. This one's the green one.
Right. Okay. Uh, and you like the green light for paranormal stuff?
I have ideas for it. This coming, uh, next week. I'm excited.
Ok. So you're gonna use it in some investigatory work coming up? Yes. Uh, you know, the, the spectrum lights, obviously they don't give off a giant huge white light that might, uh, be more disturbing to the atmosphere, shall we say. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, in sensitive, uh, places. So probably something you're gonna wanna use to those green and red, uh, spectrum lights. Of course for me, if I had the feeling that something paranormal was going on, uh, I would just, just grab the brightest freaking mag light. I could like an XL one 50 or an ML 300 L with more than a thousand lumens and just blast whatever it is with the white light, hoping it would go away, <laugh>, whatever it is. Well, very interesting. Of course. I'm sure you are very popular folks this time of year. Um, we're gonna call it an episode here and then we're gonna do another episode in about a week. Uh, stand by those of you in the Maglite nation world that are watching these podcasts. I'm gonna have some even deeper questions for our para crew in the next podcast. I'm Lou Desmond for Maglite. Thanks for being here with us.