Simplify Your Life
As fall approaches, back-to-school and end-of-summer blues may start to creep in. Take this opportunity to refocus on what’s important in life -- living! Getting rid of mental and physical clutter is a great way to simplify your life and embrace the #maglife -- it’s all about more living and more adventure!
#GOALS Setting
Simplifying your life sounds simple enough… until you actually try to start! Setting (realistic) goals is the first step towards getting where you really want to go. Try asking yourself: What are the three most important things in my life? If I had more time, how would I spend it? What do I want to accomplish in the next few years? Evaluating your priorities and setting goals will help the path towards simplifying become more clear.
#MAGLIFE Unplugged
With all the technology out there right now, disconnecting from social media, email, etc. is easier said than done. Have you been to a family gathering and everyone was either on their phone, tablet, or watching TV? Being present, having conversations, and spending quality time with loved ones has almost become a thing of the past. That’s why #maglife calls for adventure! Unplug and enjoy life the way it was meant to be -- go on a hike, plan a stay-cation, or just take a walk around the block or a lake with your loved ones! It’s also amazing what some fresh air can do to help de-clutter the mind. Wherever your #maglife adventure takes you, make sure to get yourself a Maglite flashlight to bring along.
Conquer the Clutter
When our environment is physically cluttered, it can make the mental clutter feel that much more overwhelming. Whether it be your house, your car, or your desk, organizing your space is a great way to simplify and feel both productive and at peace. Start by utilizing the good ol’ “have I used it in a year?” trick to purge unnecessary items. Next, make sure that everything has a proper place (don’t just stick it in the junk drawer!). When you know what you have and know where everything is, you will have conquered the clutter! There's also a sense of achievement that is important for your mental health when you start getting organized. Every little bit that you do will make you feel better about your life and yourself. Conquering the clutter is as much about self-empowerment as it is about self-improvement.
Find time to unwind!
Life is complicated enough to always worry about tomorrow. Do what you can today and find time to unwind. Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body healthy. Reading a book is a great way to unwind, whether it's fiction or non-fiction. Go sit on the beach or by a lake. Or, go for a drive on your favorite scenic route (be sure to have our Roadside Safety Pack in your car). There are just so many ways to unwind. A quick search on Google and there'll be plenty of ideas to choose from.